

e/merge: Collectivity

 e/merge is EWF’s brand new digital publication. This year, e/merge will present five exploratory works of digital writing in collaboration with five online literary journals. Each piece was created, shaped and crafted by an emerging writer and emerging editor handpicked by one of our collaborating journals. In its inaugural issue, themed Collectivity,  e/merge considers the way we’re all connected to other living and creating beings, from the writers we read, to our friends and family, to the birds singing outside our window. It asks the question: do we ever really write alone?

Enter e/merge: Collectivity here

In collaboration with:

Djed Press with creative writer Alexander Te Pohe and editor Suzanne Garcia

LOR Journal with creative writer Rima Martens and editor Mia McAuslan

Mascara Literary Review with creative writer Dani Netherclift and editor Jo Langdon

Peril with creative writer Rhea Bhagat and editor Tsarie Duthie

Running Dog with creative writer June Tang and editor Hannah Jenkins