
The EWF Gazette: call out for RMIT students

THE GAZETTE :: 11 DAYS :: 9 EDITIONS :: 14–24 June 2016

Calling all RMIT students who are writers, editors, designers, photographers, and communicators.

The Emerging Writers’ Festival is excited to be once again working with RMIT’s talented students to produce its second festival-long event.

During the 2016 Emerging Writers’ Festival, writers, editors, and designers will work in a team to produce nine issues of a dynamic daily newspaper. Across the eleven days of the festival, 14-24 June, we will become an old–fashioned newspaper bullpen. Students will organise themselves into a crack publishing team of quick-thinking editorial staff, on-the-ground reporters, professional artists, photographers and designers, working to real-world deadlines. THE GAZETTE will be published and distributed each day around Melbourne.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to engage in the Festival and Melbourne’s literary community at large. The range of final content will be developed from day to day, but will include interviews, creative writing, criticism, opinion, profiles, social media engagement, production, design, photography, and investigative journalism that responds to the festival’s content – including food writing, poetry in the postcolonial age, and envy in the writing world.

The project will take place at RMIT and in the EWF hub at Thousand Pound Bend, which is in use across the eleven days of the festival. You will get access to selected events at EWF, to be decided on a rotating roster with other applicants.

Applicants must be enrolled at RMIT, in any course, at any level.

Email expressions of interest to Francesca Rendle-Short francesca.rendle-short@rmit.edu.au by Friday 27 May 2016. Your application should include:

  • up-to-date CV with full contact details
  • 200 word statement outlining why you would like to be part of THE GAZETTE
  • 1000-word sample of your writing or editorial work; 3 images of photography or design; or
  • equivalent for other skills

Brought to you by EWF, non/fictionLab and Bowen Street Press.